HORTICET Hall Ticket 2018: The Dr.Y.S.R. Horticultural University (Dr.YSRHU) will release the HORTICET Hall Ticket in the month of June or July 2018 for the Horticulture Common Entrance Test. The HORTICET is the state level exam to get the admission into undergraduate (UG) Horticulture course. The applicants who will successfully apply only eligible to download the hall ticket or admit card. We provide the Hall Ticket for the various organization examinations on our website for the candidate’s convenience. To download the admit card candidates have to use the registration details like roll number and date of birth. By using the below direct link in this article can also download the hall ticket. The additional details about HORTICET Hall Ticket 2018 are mentioned below.
Importance of HORTICET Hall Ticket 2018
Every organization has set up the admit card or hall ticket for any examinations to sort out the fake candidates in the examination center. Without the admit card, the organization will not permit the aspirants to attend the examination. The admit card has important details about the exam and participant like Applicant Name, Photograph of the applicant, Exam name, Exam Center Name, Exam Center Code, Exam center Address, Applicant Address, Mother or Father Name, important instructions for the examination. The contenders need to bring the identity like the college id, Aadhar card etc along with the admit card to the examination center for the security reason. Everyone has to reach before 20 minutes to the exam to avoid the last minute rush and verify the details at the back of admit card or hall ticket. The more updates about the Horticulture Common Entrance Test like details in admit card, essential documents for the exam, and steps to download the admit card has provided below.
Steps for HORTICET Hall Ticket 2018 to Download
We have given the below steps to download the admit card or hall ticket from official website of the organization. Because some candidates will get confused on the process of admit card downloaded. So to avoid the confusion contenders can follow the steps to download the admit card.
- Log in to the official website of Dr.Y.S.R. Horticultural University (Dr.YSRHU) www.drysrhu.edu.in.
- Search for the HORTICET Hall Ticket for the entrance exam.
- Click on the HORTICET Hall Ticket link.
- The login page will be redirected.
- Fill the given details like application number and date of birth.
- HORTICET Hall Ticket will appear on the screen.
- Download the HORTICET Hall Ticket.
- Verify the details in admit card.
- Take a print out of the admit card.
- Submit HORTICET Hall Ticket with an identity at the examination theater.
HORTICET Hall Ticket 2018
The candidates who will successfully complete the application process for the Horticulture Common Entrance Test will only eligible to download the HORTICET Hall Ticket or admit card. The Dr.Y.S.R. Horticultural University did not announce the particular date of admit card release date. After the application process, the admit card release date will be announced by the university. We will update the dates in this article when the organization released. Mostly the university release the admit card 15 days before the examination date. After the admit card declared the contenders must download at least 1 week prior to the exam and check the details in it because there may be errors in the name or roll number. If aspirants found any rectifications then immediately intimate the university and correct the mistakes in admit card. The Horticulture Common Entrance Test will happen on 18th July 2018. After the examination process, the result date will update soon on our website Sarkari Recruitment.
drysrhu.edu.in – Download HORTICET Hall Ticket 2018
The below table has the information about the admit card and exam like the name of the organization, name of the examination, last date of the application process, category, admit card status, examination date, result date and website of the organization.
Name of the Organization | Dr.Y.S.R. Horticultural University (Dr.YSRHU) |
Name of the Examination | Horticulture Common Entrance Test (HORTICET) |
Application Process End Date | 28th June 2018 |
Category | Hall Ticket |
Admit Card Status | Before 10 days to the Exam |
Exam Date | 18th July 2018 |
Result Date | July 2018 |
Counselling Date | August 2018 |
Official Website | www.drysrhu.edu.in |
Information On HORTICET Hall Ticket 2018
The hall ticket plays a vital role in the examination process because it contains the details of the participant and exam. With the help of hall ticket, the organization can easily find the fake members in the examination center.
- Name of the Applicant
- Roll Number
- Applicant Category
- Gender
- Date of Birth
- Photograph
- Father or Mother Name
- Exam Name
- Exam Centre Name and Code
- Exam Centre Address
- Signature of the candidates and exam counselor
- And important instructions of the examination
HORTICET Hall Ticket 2018
The HORTICET Hall Ticket will be available on this page to download. The Dr.Y.S.R. Horticultural University will officially upload the admit card or hall ticket on their website. For the applicant’s convenience, we have given the direct download link of HORTICET Hall Ticket at the end of this page. When the MPUAT releases the admit card we will activate below link which is linked to the official website. The application process of the Horticulture Common Entrance Test will be started in the month of May 2018 and the application process will close on 28th June 2018. The exact dates will be updated soon in this article when the university declares. Check our website regularly for more latest updates.
Important Documents For HORTICET Exam
Applicants have to carry at least one document from below specified identities issued by the government along with the admit card or hall ticket to the examination center for the security reasons.
- PAN Card
- College ID
- Photograph
- Aadhar Card
- Voter ID
- Passport
- Driving License
- Or any other id issued by state or central govt
- Any other identity proof issued by a Gazetted Officer
Download HORTICET Hall Ticket 2018: Click Here
In the above page, we specified the information of HORTICET Hall Ticket and exam. Hope this article will useful for the aspirants who will apply for the Horticulture Common Entrance Test. If the contenders have any questions on this page can leave a comment on below comment box. For more updates on recruitment, syllabus, previous papers, result etc just click on our website sarkarirecruitment.com. Thank you.