LFAT Admit Card 2018: The Allahabad University LFAT Admit Card will be available from the 3rd week of May 2018 for the Law Faculty Entrance Test (LFAT) on its official website. The applicants who need to download the admit card have to be ready with their application number and date of birth. The Allahabad University has also released the examination date for all the courses. Allahabad University LFAT examination will conduct to seek candidates for admission into five-year integrated BA LLB (Hons) program offered by the university. The details related to the LFAT Admit Card 2018 are mentioned on this page. Candidates can simply go down to this page to find the link to download the admit card. So aspirants can stay tuned to our website for the further updates of the LFAT Admit Card 2018. Candidates can visit the official website of the Allahabad University to get the full information.
Allahabad University LFAT Admit Card 2018
The interested and responsible candidates have to apply for the Allahabad University LFAT on or before 2nd week of May 2018. The application process or registrations will start from 3rd week of April 2018 and ends on 2nd week of May 2018. After the completion of the registrations then the management of Allahabad University will release the status of the LFAT Admit Card 2018. Applicants while filling the application form need to fill carefully because the details whatever the candidates entered will print on the admit card or hall ticket. After the completion of registration, applicants need to note the application number. The further details about the LFAT Admit Card 2018 are quoted in the below sections of this page. The examination date of the Allahabad University LFAT will be in the 4th week of May 2018 and the results will be declared in the 3rd week of June 2018. After the declaration of results counselling will be conducted by the officials of Allahabad University for the qualified candidates. For more entrance examination admit cards visit our website Admit cards.
www.allduniv.ac.in – LFAT Admit Card 2018
Name of the Organization | Allahabad University |
Name of the Examination | Law Faculty Entrance Test (LFAT) |
Application Process Start Date | 3rd week of April 2018 |
Application Process End Date | 2nd week of May 2018 |
Category | Admit Card |
Admit Card Status | 3rd week of May 2018 |
Exam Date | 4th week of May 2018 |
Result Date | 3rd week of June 2018 |
Official Website | www.allduniv.ac.in |
Allahabad University LFAT Hall Ticket 2018
Applicants who applied for the Allahabad University LFAT need to download the admit card or hall ticket before the examination. The download date for the LFAT Admit Card 2018 has released by the body of the Allahabad University. So applicants can stay tuned to our website to download the admit card. To download the admit card applicant need to submit the details like application number and date of birth to view the admit card. The date of birth should enter whatever was entered while filling the application form. After downloading the admit card applicants need to verify all the details which are printed on the hall ticket. If any misprints are found candidates need to inform to the body of the Allahabad University. Admit card contains the details like personal details of the applicant and the examination details like the address of the examination center and the name of the examination. The Information which is printed on the LFAT Admit Card 2018 is given below. The documents to be carried along with the LFAT Admit Card 2018 are mentioned below.
Information On LFAT Admit Card 2018
- Name of the Aspirant
- Registration Number
- Date of Birth of the Candidate
- Applicant Category
- Gender of the Applicant
- Photograph of the Applicant
- Father or Mother Name
- Name of the Examination
- Code of the Examination
- Exam Centre Name
- Exam Centre Address
- Code of the Examination center
- Signature of the candidates and exam counselor
- And important instructions to the candidate
Important Documents For Allahabad University LFAT Examination 2018
- PAN Card
- College ID
- Photograph
- Aadhar Card
- Voter ID
- Passport
- Driving License
- Or any other id issued by state or central govt
- Any other identity proof issued by a Gazetted Officer
Steps for LFAT Admit Card 2018 to Download
- Go to the official website of Allahabad University allduniv.ac.in.
- Search for the LFAT Admit Card for various positions.
- Click on the LFAT Admit Card link.
- The login page will be redirected.
- Fill the given details like application number and date of birth.
- LFAT Admit Card will appear on the screen.
- Download the LFAT Admit Card.
- Verify the details in admit card.
- Take a print out of the admit card.
- Submit LFAT Admit Card at the examination hall with any identity.
Candidates need to submit the application form at the examination hall with the identity proof. Applicants need to note that ration card will not act as an identity proof. So don’t carry ration card to the examination hall.
Importance of LFAT Admit Card 2018
For any entrance examinations admit card or hall ticket plays an important role. Candidate without the LFAT admit card 2018 is not allowed to write the examination. Along with admit card, some more documents need to be carried to the examination hall by the candidate. The details printed on the hall ticket or admit card and the details on the documents need to be same. If any faults are found then the applicant needs to face problems at the time of examination. So candidates need to check all the documents before going to the examination. Admit card mainly used to find the false candidates who are appearing to the examination without registration. While going to the examination, at the examination hall officials will cross check all the documents of the candidate. The signature of the candidate needs to be same in both the admit card and in the documents. Candidates who are registered are only allowed to download the admit card. After downloading the admit card candidates need to save the admit card. Candidates need to save admit card up to the results was declared.
Download LFAT Admit Card 2018: Click Here
From the above-mentioned article, we gave all the information related to the LFAT Admit Card 2018. We hope it is useful to all the applicants. Candidates who are having doubts can leave a reply below in the comment box. For more updates like recruitment, syllabus, previous papers, results visit our website Sarkari Recruitment.